Please see below for project status:


The Contractor has met with most of the owners who will be connecting to the sewer system.  Work will be performed in the Fish Hatchery Rd pavement beginning the week of January 27th.  Grinder pumps along Fish Hatchery Rd will be installed first, with grinder pumps along Hessong Bridge Rd next.  All grinder pumps are expected to be installed by mid-August 2025.


The County has awarded the Collection System project to Mid-Atlantic Utilities, Inc. for installation of the grinder pumps and low-pressure sewer pipe.  RK&K has been hired to perform full time inspection and construction management.  Construction vehicles and activity may now be seen.  Construction is expected to be completed within approximately one year.  DWSU will be sending a letter with further information to property owners that will be connected to the system. 



The County is prepared to award the project to a contractor pending MDE’s approval of the grant funding.  The meeting for approval is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11, 2024.



The County is reviewing options following the bidding process.  We have arranged for one of our electrical contractors, Eastern Sales and Engineering (ESA), to begin installing the electrical connections at homes that are in the project area and that have opted to connect.  This work is anticipated to be completed by September 2024.  The wastewater treatment plant is constructed and operational.



The project is advertised for bidding on the County’s website under “Current Solicitations” with a due date of March 26, 2024, after which time the submitted bids will be reviewed for an award.